Land Registry: The correction of errors begins

Land Registry: The correction of errors begins

At the end of March, the cadastral offices will start publishing the reports, which relate to the evaluation of the correction requests submitted by citizens, at the stage of uploading the cadastral tables and diagrams. Essentially, it is the evaluation of requests for corrections of any errors and omissions concerning the individual property of each person or public real estate.

The publication of the reports will be done digitally for the first time, which will save time and speed up processes that would otherwise be delayed, such as transfers, sales and even bank lending.  As an executive of the Land Registry tells “Economiko Tachydromos”, on March 29 the electronic publication of the updates will start from the Athens Land Registry Office and gradually the rest of the land registry offices around the country will follow in the next period.

Thus, citizens will have direct access to the recommendations that have been formulated following the processing of correction requests, with a view to their reasoned acceptance or rejection, before their examination by the competent Objections Committee begins.  Those with property rights in Athens once they have access to the recommendations will have until 27 April to either agree or disagree in order to:

1. Fill in the relevant fields in

2. To inform all owners affected or affected (based on the list of affected owners), by registered letter (ELTA or courier mail) or by e-mail or by bailiff, sending:

(a) the request for rectification that they had submitted,

b) the report of the Land Registry Office

(c) the information message contained in a letter received by them

3. Attach the proof of notification sent to the affected owners, on, otherwise the request for correction will be rejected.

In case the citizen disagrees with the report of the cadastral office, he/she should submit his/her opinion to

As for other owners who may be affected by the correction request made _ and who will receive the correction request, the report or the opposing views of the person who has submitted the correction request _ they will be able, within 30 days from the day of their notification, either to agree to the correction (via ktimatologio. or by a declaration before a notary or by a solemn declaration via or to disagree with the correction, stating their reasons, by submitting relevant information again to If the month has elapsed and there is no reaction, the affected owner will be deemed to agree and the correction will be implemented.

Correction requests and any opposing views will be examined by the special Committees for the Examination of Land Registry Cases which meet by videoconference. Through (but also by e-mail), the citizen can be informed of any developments concerning his/her correction request or objection, as well as the dates of meetings, documents submitted, etc.
